
Website design for Femart art collective, displaying the works of female and non-binary artists

clock background

Tort Magazine

New paper print magazine about societal change and deconstruction of norms

star symbol CV


Mobile app design made in a 24h design sprint

Habit Tracker

A basic habit tracker app

kanye west

Vimmerby stugby

New website design, built with Wordpress and PHP

My Playground

Southside 19 markets

Together with likeminded peeps I'm organising community markets along Stockholm's metro line 19

Focus PWA

A pomodoro app, the prefect project to practice fundamentals

Who I am

I’m a digital creative and Frontend Developer..

Ricola World

In this interactive world you get to learn about Ricola's sustainability strategy

Crypto vs Wallstreet

When does the cryptocurrency overtake the stockmarket? This app gives you the answer

Wiggly CMS

A basic content management system with frontend and backend built seperately